God sightings recorded by Google's Street

God sightings recorded by Google's Street. Strange and rare phenomenon recorded by Google's Street View. Digital imaging services are capturing images that purported apparition of God.

Images that shaped shadow appears to hang in the air, right on a lake in Quarten, Switzerland. The first time the picture 'God' is published by a blog called Gawker. So that was reported by the Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday (21/10/2010).

Although the images found by the blog Gawker claimed to be God, but many also believe that the picture is the result of some kind of distortion of light or lens flare. "What is the shadow it looks like something on the camera lens or is there the appearance of God? It could be that God is a kind of cosmic metaphysical," wrote the blog owner.

Not only this once, Google Street View had captured many strange images in recent years. Most have involved real people who are doing something unusual, like sleeping in the gutter, the appearance of Jesus, the UFO-shaped large pliers. The most surprising is the recent discovery of the corpse which was captured by the camera Street View in Brazil.

In 2006, Google Earth spotters reported the discovery of the flying car in Perth and not long after that, a man-made landscape that is unusual in remote areas of China found. Google itself refused to comment on the appearance of God in Swiss lakes.

God sightings recorded by Google's Street